Friday, August 27, 2010

August 2010

It has been awhile since I blogged. I am hoping to do it more frequently since the kids will be getting into activities and I can update you on that.

This summer was great! The kids and I were lucky to spend a lot of time at the pool. We went on vacation to Myrtle during the second week of August. While we were there the kids finally started to swim underwater. It was so exciting!! Ella wanted to do the kids triathalon this yr but I told her that once she practices her swimming more she can. The beach was very nice; we had great weather. The place we stayed was great. We had 3 bedrooms which was perfect. My parents and Chris' mom and aunt went with us. It was great having a lot of family around. We got a lot of help with the kids!

Ella started 1st grade this past week. She really likes her teacher. She is ready for a break already! I know she'll enjoy the weekend. I start my job as a reading interventionist the Tuesday after Labor Day. I am excited to be back at Ella's school. Cyrus will go back to Kristie's house. She is a neighbor down the road. I think he's going to have a hard time leaving me but he'll get used to it again. Luckily it is only for 4 hrs a day.

I can't believe fall is here! The kids are already going to start activities. Ella is doing tumbling and piano lessons. She also wants to do cheerleading. Cyrus is doing a soccer camp this fall. I am excited to be able to put him into something. This is the first time he's done something besides taking a swim class with me last winter/spring.
The 3 pictures of the kids in the water was from one rainy day when they were jumping in puddles. Ella was a little conservative. Cyrus on the other hand was completely wet! The family picture is from our trip to Cass railroad with some friends. The last picture is of Cy when he was supposed to be asleep but instead he decided to dress up with everything from his closet.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Worst week of my life!!

So I guess I am very lucky that the worst week of my life wasn't as bad as other people. But for me it was scary.

So it started on a Monday. I was at school and when I was about to leave around 2 I started to feel bad. I could tell I had a fever and my head hurt bad. I went home and rested. Chris came home later and I decided to go to the doctor because I still wasn't feeling any better by 7 that night. The doctor at Wedgewood was afraid I had Mengingitis. So off to the ER we went.

At the ER I was sent right back. They put a mask on me and you should have seen the people look at me. One guy even turned completely around and faced the wall. The nurses and doctors came in with masks but poor Chris sat there w/out a mask. He said, " I figured they thought I was already done for." lol

So after some other tests they decided to do the spinal tap, which I was ok with. After having 2 c-sections I wasn't afraid of the spinal. I was told that the main risk was a spinal headache which only 10% of people get. The spinal tap went well. No mengingitis. By about 2 am my fever finally broke.

The next day I was just tired. Karin took Cy for me so I could get some rest. I was ok until later that afternoon and the spinal headaches started. They are described as a headache like no other. That is sure what it is!!! My whole head hurt. If I was laying flat I was ok. But try laying flat with 2 kids! So my dad came down Wednesday morning to help us out.

By Wednesday morning I was miserable!!! My dad took me to Urgent Care. They told me the only way to get rid of the headaches were by doing a blood patch ( take blood out of my arm and into my spine) or liquid caffeine. Both had to be done in the ER. The headaches would go away eventually so they gave me some fluids and something for my nausea. I felt a little better.

Thursday, after laying flat on my back most of the day I was feeling better. So my dad decided to go on home Thurs. night. I thought it was about over. Then Friday I woke up and I felt WORSE! Chris stayed home with me that day. I knew that if I didn't feel better by Saturday I was going to the ER.

Saturday came and I felt the same. The worst part was I was also sick to my stomach and I couldn't eat anything. So my parents came back up (have I told you how much I love them!). My dad, Chris and I were back to the ER. My mom helped get my house and kids back in order. If you know me you would know I am a clean freak!! Karin said she knew I was really sick when she saw my kitchen!

They decided to give me the liquide caffeine. I was ok with at first, looking back I wish I insisted they do the blood patch. They gave me three different drugs and one was benadryl. That made me feel sleepy but then they shot me full of caffeine. I felt so weird. I wanted to run away. The caffeine stopped my headache but I still had no appetite.

Saturday night was ok but I still felt weird. Sunday I tried to go outside and join the world. It was really hard. My parents went home and me and the kids went over to my mother-in-laws. It was nice because Chris had to mow. That way I wasn't by myself. My headache came back so I took some tylenol. It didn't help so I took so some Motrin. I didn't think about not having much on my stomach. I think that caused my to get sick to my stomach.

I got home and threw up. That night I really felt like I was going to die. I have never felt that way. I think it was everything along with having that caffeine. Monday morning my dad came back down just to help me out. He went back later that morning. I went to school and had to leave early. I felt so depressed. I knew what was wrong. I had depression after had Ella. I was lucky that I got Zoloft and it regulated my system. For anyone who has never had to deal with depression or a family member it is defitinely something that you can't control. I am blessed to have a husband who understands. He was great!

So later that day me and the kids were back at Wedgewood. I told the doctor what was going on and he gave me a prescription for Zoloft. Tuesday morning I still felt pretty bad. I did make it through my day of teaching only because the teachers at my school were so understanding. They helped me out so much!!!

By Tuesday about 3 pm I started to feel the relief. I finally felt like eating. I got me a cin. roll from Arby's and went to Karin's. I actually was motivated to do something. That night Chris and I took the recycling. It felt so good to be "normal". (My mom had come down Tuesday night to help out).

Finally, on Thursday I almost felt close to 100%.

That is my 2 weeks of craziness! I am just glad it is over. I am very thankful for Chris, my family, and my friends who helped me through this difficult time!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's been forever!

Well, I finally decided to sit down and update my blog. I guess it has been almost 4 months! No excuse really just haven't taken the time to sit down and write.

I went back to work this year. It has been great! I only work for 3 1/2 hours during the day. What makes it even better is that Cyrus goes to the babysitter down the road and my school is 2 minutes away. I really like my job. I pull kids out of the classroom and work on reading. I enjoy the people I work with also. I get to see Ella because it is her school.

Ella is doing great in Kindergarten. She LOVES her teacher! She also has many friends which I was glad. It is always a parents fear that your child won't be accepted. I was walking down the hall and 2 kids asked if Ella could have a sleepover. She is almost done with dance class. She really likes it. I am not sure if we'll continue next fall but I guess we'll see what the fall will bring. She is playing t-ball now and is the only girl. She loves it!

Cyrus is doing well. We've been fighting off ear infections. I was worried we would have to put ear tubes in again. Luckily, so far his ear are good. The doctor was a little concerned (me also) with his speech. I took him to the speech ther. at school and she did an informal test. She said everyone looked fine. He just turned 3 on April 17th. He had a Thomas party at Chick-fil-a. Luckily for me and our wallet he is potty trained. It actually happened pretty easily. Once he decided to wear underwear he has had very few accidents.

Chris is doing well. He really stepped up lately when I got sick (that will be whole other blog!). I am very thankful to have such a great husband and father for my kids!! His big project this summer is do redo the back deck. I'll put pictures of it when he's done.

I'll post soon about my crazy 2 weeks when I was sick!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

December 2009

Cyrus with Santa. He didn't cry at all!
Ella skating on Christmas
Eve. She is now taking
skating lessons. She really
likes it!

The whole McCollam family :)
Ella with Santa

Ella excited about a present. Picture of Cy in the snow.
He does pretty good staying
out there for awhile.

Cy acting goofy. Ella at her ballet class. She
also likes dance too. She
is taking it again this semester.